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The DLNA 1.5 hardware is easily dwarfed by HTC's modular wall plug (which is already pretty small). It's so small that we thought that our friendly government import agents had stolen it from the box that had obviously been jimmied open for inspection while en route to our European test lab. It measures just 71.5 x 45 x 8-mm which is about two-thirds the length and width of a credit card and about as thick as a stack of nine. To say that HTC's Media Link is small is an understatement. How did it perform? Click through to find out. Over the last week we've been testing the Desire Z (a Eurofied T-Mobile G2) with the Media Link, lazily streaming video, music, and images around the house using a myriad of sources and controllers from Apple, Samsung, Microsoft, and Western Digital. Recently, HTC joined the DLNA ranks with the introduction of two smartphones - the Desire Z and Desire HD - and a tiny media streamer known as the HTC Media Link, HTC's first attempt to gain a foothold in the living room. Since then, the alliance has certified thousands of products supported by more than 245 member companies, 29 of whom are listed as "promoter members" including such heavyweights as Sony, Nokia, Samsung, Toshiba, Verizon, AT&T Lab, LG, Qualcomm, Cisco, Microsoft, Panasonic, Intel, HP, and Motorola.

medialink customer support

In 2003, the Digital Living Network Alliance ( DLNA) formed with its first set of interoperable products hitting the market in 2004. Apple's AirPlay might be getting all the attention lately but it's hardly the first solution for wirelessly streaming media to the television.

Medialink customer support